"See things clearly, shout YA! and pick up the beat. Do not follow your opponent's lead."

Forward!  Always forward!

MaAI (Makiling Aikido International) has come full circle and was able to successfully close off the year 2020 with a proper Year-End Keiko.  In keeping with the constraints of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention measures, attendance was limited to a few yudansha members complete with face masks and disinfectant to avoid transmission.


Taking advantage of the wider distance inherent in buki-waza (weapon techniques), the Year-End Keiko used this opportunity to focus on ken-tori and jo-tori techniques.

We look forward to further adapting to the new changes to continue our keiko practice with even more aikidoka in the coming year.

See you on the mats in 2021!  

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

2021 © Makiling Aikido International, Inc.